I'm really fed up with struggling to get a mobile signal on trains in the UK.
This week the transport secretary Phillip Hammond described our rail system as a "rich man's toy", given the "eyewateringly expensive" ticket prices. I certainly don't disagree with the man. But what makes this doubly galling is that it's expensive AND impractical. I really want to support the notion of train travel. I want to be able to travel in a more sustainable mode of transport, taking congestion off the road. I would be prepared to pay a premium to do this IF communications were reliable. Unfortunately, at the moment travelling by car is both cheaper and more practical. Hands-free is better than being completely out of contact for two hours.
If you agree, please show support by signing this on-line petition to the train and mobile network operators. The motion is as follows:
"We find the total lack of reliable mobile phone signal along major train
routes unacceptable. It means that not only is train travel more
expensive than road, it is more impractical, especially for business
We would like the train operators and mobile network providers to
seriously consider working together to come up with a signal boosting
solution for trains. "
Sign the petition here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/mobile-rail/
Thanks for your support.