Saturday 15 January 2011

ASA ruling: remove claim to solve all problems, break black magic & banish all evil.

I've never thought that working at the Advertising Standards Authority could possibly be a barrel of laughs. However, reading this adjudication on Mr Latif, I think I would have enjoyed working on this case.


"The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told Mr Latif to remove the claims "Your entire problem will be fulfilled in SEVEN DAYS", "No matter what your problems are I can help you to solve them in seven days" and "Latif's work is 100% guaranteed", and also to remove the references to "depression" and "sexual impotency". We told him not to claim he could solve all problems, break black magic, banish evil spirits or improve the health, wealth, love life, happiness or other circumstances of readers. We asked CAP to advise its members of the problem with Mr Latif."

Read Mr Latifs' advertising copy and the full ruling by the UK Advertising Standards Authority here.

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