Thursday 5 January 2012

Freedom to Surf: Statistics Charting the Flight from Desktop to Mobile Web Access

UK 2011 Office for National Statistics – Key Points 

45 per cent of UK Internet users used a mobile phone to connect to the Internet 

6 million people accessed the Internet over their mobile phone for the first time in the previous 12 months 

The use of wireless hotspots almost doubled in the last 12 months to 4.9 million users 

21 per cent of Internet users did not believe their skills were sufficient to protect their personal data 

77 per cent of households had Internet access 

Internet users who accessed via a mobile phone, GB, 2011 

UK Mobile Access Growth Rate – Tecmark Key Findings 2011
Mobile now accounts for 12.59% of all UK web traffic 

58% of mobile visits from iPhones,17% from iPad devices 

High Android growth rate. 10.6% of all mobile traffic in January 2011, growing quickly to 37% in July 2011

Blackberry declining quickly, from 6.1% in January 2011 to 3.5% in July 2011, a fall of 42%

Globally, Mobile Access Growing Significantly Quicker than Desktop Internet Did 

View the Morgan Stanley Mobile Internet Report Slideshow here 

US Shows Shift from Mobile Web to Mobile App Usage
In June 2010, the average US mobile user spent 43 minutes using apps

In June 2011 this almost doubled to 81 minutes

Whilst web access by mobile users has grown steadily, by June 2911
the average US mobile user spent more time using apps than they
did accessing the web

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